Caution on Counterfeit Products

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patronage of our products.

We have confirmed that counterfeit products (pirated versions) of some of our products are being distributed in China.
Since we cannot guarantee the efficacy, safety, or overall quality of these counterfeit products, we are concerned that they may cause health problems for our customers. Therefore, to avoid purchasing counterfeit products by mistake, we ask that you purchase Axisia products through authorized sales channels.

If you find a product that you suspect may be a counterfeit, please contact us.

If we have ever discovered counterfeit products being manufactured or sold, we will continue our efforts to eliminate counterfeit products by taking strict measures, including legal action, against such vendors.

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  • Warning about Counterfeit Products

We provide information on products, campaigns and useful information for daily beauty.
You can easily purchase popular and recommended cosmetics at the official online store (mail order) of AXXZIA.

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