When was the company established?

December 21, 2011. Please refer to " History" for our company history.

When was the company listed?

On February 18, 2021.

Where is the company listed?

The Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market.

What is your securities code?

Our securities code is 4936. The industry sector is "Chemicals.

How many shares are in a unit for sale?

One unit consists of 100 shares.

When is your fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year end is July 31 every year.

When do you announce financial results?

We announce financial results every quarter. Please refer to " IR Calendar " for the latest information.

When is the general meeting of shareholders held?

It is scheduled to be held in October every year. Please refer to " IR Calendar" for the latest information.

What are your recent business results?

Please refer to the " Financial Highlights " page.

What is your business forecast?

Please refer to " Financial Results " in the IR Library.

Do you have a shareholder benefit plan?

We have a shareholder benefit plan for shareholders who hold at least 200 shares of our company's stock.

What is your shareholder return policy and dividend policy?

Our basic policy is to pay dividends on a continuous and stable basis, with a dividend payout ratio of around 30.0% as a general rule. We will continue to invest in growth, while at the same time, strive for continuous return of profits to our shareholders.

Who is your shareholder registrar?

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. Please refer to " Stock Information " for details.

Please tell me about procedures for change of stock ownership, change of address, etc.

Please contact the securities company where you have opened a trading account for various stock-related procedures.

Which is the contact address for other IR-related inquiries?

Please go to " Shareholders and Investors " on CONTACT.

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