Management Information

1. Basic Policy on Information Disclosure

AXXZIA Inc. (“the Company”) strives to promptly, accurately, and fairly disclose information about the Company to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders by following all applicable laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as well as Securities Listing Regulations in the “Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information, etc.” (“the Timely Disclosure Rules”) set by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Even in cases not covered by these laws, regulations, or the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company will strive to actively and fairly disclose on IR websites, etc., important information that could affect investment decisions so that shareholders and investors can get a deeper understanding of the Company.

2. Method of Information Disclosure

When disclosing information based on laws and regulations or the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company will promptly and fairly disclose information through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange as well as the Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork (EDINET) for disclosure documents, including securities reports based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. Once information is disclosed on these systems, the Company will promptly post the information on the IR website. For information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company will use the IR website to accurately and fairly convey to investors any important information that could affect investment decisions.

Note that the timing of information disclosure could be delayed due to system problems or preparations for posting on the IR website.

3. Business Forecasts and Future Predictions

The Company’s business forecasts, news releases, and Q&A sessions at financial results briefings and analyst meetings may contain forward-looking information regarding performance outlook.

This information contains future predictions based on prospects and plans prepared with certain preconditions at the discretion of the Company at the time of disclosure. The Company does not assure or guarantee the realization of these future plans, figures, or measures. Consequently, actual results could differ substantially from this information due to fluctuations in risks and uncertainties as well as economic conditions.

4. Quiet Period

To prevent leaks of information on financial results and to ensure the fairness of information disclosures, a quiet period is set from the day following the last day of the quarterly financial period to the date that the financial results are published. During this period, the Company will not answer or comment on inquiries into financial results and performance forecasts. However, even during the quiet period, information will be disclosed that falls under the laws and regulations or Timely Disclosure Rules.

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