Agreement regarding handling of personal information

1. Name or title of business operator


2. Name or occupation title, affiliation and contact information of administrator of personal information protection

Responsible administrator of personal information protection Management department Yasuhito Fukui

3. Purpose of use on personal information

Personal information that we obtained from inquiry form will be used only for the following use purpose under strict control, and will not be used for any other purposes.

  • ・To respond to inquiries
  • ・For contact purposes upon responding to inquiry

4. Outsourcing work concerning personal information

  • ・We will not outsource personal information that we obtained to a third party.
  • ・We will not provide personal information that we obtained to a third party or engage in joint use of personal information, except in the following cases.
  • ・If necessary due to requirement by laws and regulations
  • ・If there is emergency need to protect human life/body and property, etc.
  • ・If consented by a subject person

5. Safety control for personal information protection

We will stipulate regulations and rules to protect personal information, and will implement thorough knowledge, education, training concerning such matters to all employees, and will inspect the compliance status of such matters on a periodic basis.
We will also make efforts to maintain/improve necessary safety control measures to protect personal information.

6. Procedures for disclosure/correction/suspension of use, etc. of personal information

If a subject person requests for notice or disclosure of use purpose, revision, addition, or deletion of content, suspension or deletion of use, suspension of provision to a third party concerning his/her personal information retained by us, please contact the following “Personal information inquiry counter”.

AXXZIA Inc. Personal information inquiry counter
Shinjuku Sumitomo Building 35F, 2-6-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-0235 Japan

7. In the case where you do not consent to the provision of personal information

Please understand that if you do not consent to the provision of personal information, we may not be able to achieve the use purpose stipulated in the above paragraph 3.

8. Operation of our website

Our website may use a technology called “Cookie” so that you can browse our website more conveniently when you revisit our website. Although Cookie will record which page of our website was visited by your computer, it will not specify or identify any personal information, unless you personally enter your personal information on our website.
If you do not wish to use Cookie, you may refuse such use by changing your browser settings. In such case, you may not be able to use part or all of the service.

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  • Agreement on Handling of Personal Information

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