Basic Policy on Information Security

In order to maintain and improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our information assets, as well as to earn the trust of our customers and society as a whole, we have established this Basic Policy on Information Security for all officers and employees of our group companies, including our own, to ensure the appropriate management and protection of information. We are committed to the appropriate management and protection of information.

Approach to Information Security

We recognize the importance of information security and plan and implement comprehensive measures to address information security risks.

Information Asset Management

We will appropriately manage our information assets to ensure their confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and strive to safely manage them to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, damage, etc. to such information.

Establishment of Information Security Management System

We shall establish an information security management system and implement appropriate information security management.

Establishment of Information Security Regulations

We shall establish information security-related regulations that specify the necessary requirements in order to establish uniform standards for compliance and judgment in taking information security measures.

Implementation of Information Security Measures

We shall implement appropriate information security measures for each information asset and strive to prevent information security incidents from occurring.
In the unlikely event of an information security incident, we will respond promptly to minimize damage and prevent recurrence.

Information Security Education

We will educate and train all executives and employees on information security to ensure that they recognize the importance of information security and use information assets properly.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We shall comply with laws, regulations, and other social norms related to information security.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement of Information Security Measures

We will evaluate the implementation status of information security measures to ensure compliance with this basic policy and information security-related rules, and will make continual improvements.

Date of enactment: October 31, 2018

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