
Our group’s motto is to “do what we can and start as we mean to go on” and it is with this intention that we have launched our environmental awareness initiatives.

Governance & Risk Management

Having established a Sustainability Committee in August 2023 for medium- and long-term enhancement of corporate value, the aim is to support planning and implementation of sustainability policy and strategy inside the organization and promote sustainability efforts related to the environment, society and governance, while also examining risk associated with climate change.

Sustainability Committee meetings are held quarterly, and the Committee is formed by the representative director who acts as the chairperson, a full-time director, a full-time corporate auditor, and an executive officer. Measures and issues regarding sustainability risk will be considered and discussed, the implementation and effects of countermeasures will be measured and evaluated, and the end results will be reported regularly to the Board of Directors, which supervises and monitors the Sustainability Committee.

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Each department in our group identifies, analyzes and evaluates risks. The identified sustainability risks and opportunities are then considered and discussed by the Sustainability Committee, and the situation is reported to the Board of Directors.

Specific initiatives

  • Gradual adoption of plastic containers attached with “green nano” functional master batch with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions when disposing of containers.
  • We contribute to the protection of sustainable forest resources by using wood from forests managed properly from the standpoint of forest preservation and FSC-certified cosmetic box material that are certified all the way through the process of making paper.
  • With the operation of FUJISANROKU PLC (Process & Logistics Center, set to operate by April 2024), we aim to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil energy consumption and vehicles through logistics optimization by reducing the transportation distance between logistics bases, Huit Laboratories’ Yatsugatake Factory and manufacturing subcontractors.
  • In line with the environmental goal set according to Environmental Management System (ISO14001) certified in March 2023 at Huit Laboratories’ Yatsugatake Factory, we aim to reduce electricity usage through LED light installation building-wide (installed in July 2023) and reduce waste by selecting recyclable materials.

Although the results of these initiatives as an enterprise or as a group may seem small, we are committed to doing what we can in terms of environment friendly group management.

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