Our Group is a comprehensive beauty solution company that positions women's chromosome XX as a symbol of beauty,
The Group aims to be a comprehensive beauty solution company that transmits the beauty of Asia (ASIA => AZIA) from Japan to the world by positioning women's chromosome XX as a symbol of beauty.
We are managing our business based on this corporate philosophy.
In order to realize this, it is necessary to manage the group companies based on sound corporate governance,
We will communicate appropriately with our customers, shareholders, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders,
We believe that it is essential for the business development of the Group to appropriately reflect the opinions of our customers, shareholders, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders in the management of the Group.
We also believe that by ensuring flexibility in the execution of business operations and appropriately supervising the status of business operations, we can respond to the expansion of the Group's business scale and changes in the nature of its operations.
Based on this recognition, we aim to ensure the transparency and efficiency of management, meet the expectations of all stakeholders, and continuously increase our corporate value.
Corporate Governance Structure
Please see below for our corporate governance system and our basic philosophy on corporate governance.
Corporate GovernanceRisk Management and Compliance
The Company has established a Risk Management Committee to promote company-wide risk management and to share information on the status of risk management.
The Risk Management Committee consists of full-time directors and full-time corporate auditors, and meets quarterly with the representative director as chairman.
At this committee meeting, information is shared on the status of risk management by the director in charge of each division with respect to the risks identified for each division.
Through supervision and auditing by other full-time directors and full-time corporate auditors, the Committee ensures appropriate risk management.
The Committee also handles compliance-related matters. The Company has established "Compliance Management Regulations,
The Company has established "Compliance Management Regulations," which stipulate the implementation system for company-wide efforts such as compliance education, etc,
In order to confirm that compliance-related efforts are being made in accordance with company policies, the person in charge of compliance implementation submits periodic reports on the specifics of such efforts to the Risk Management Committee,
In order to confirm that compliance initiatives are being implemented in accordance with the Company's policies, the Company requires the person in charge of compliance to report periodically to the Risk Management Committee on the details of such initiatives.
Internal Reporting Desk
The Company has established a whistleblower hotline for the purpose of early detection and correction of misconduct, etc., and to contribute to the strengthening of compliance management.
The contact is open to all employees of the Company, regardless of their employment status, and is not to be used for any reason other than to prevent the whistleblower's workplace environment from deteriorating because of his or her consultation or report,
The Company takes steps to protect personal information to ensure that the working environment of whistleblowers will not deteriorate due to the fact that they consulted with or reported the matter to the contact point.
Information Security and Personal Information Protection
The Company has established a code of conduct regarding the handling of information for all officers and employees of the Company and its group companies,
We have established a code of conduct for the handling of information and strive to maintain and improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information assets in our possession,
In addition, in order to live up to the trust of our customers and society as a whole, we have established a basic policy on information security and strive to appropriately manage and protect information.
In addition, we are fully aware of our social responsibility to protect personal information handled in the course of business, and have established the Personal Information Protection Policy to ensure the safe and appropriate management of personal information,
In order to manage personal information safely and appropriately, we have established a Privacy Policy and make every effort to ensure that all officers and employees are fully aware of it.
In addition, we conduct annual training for all employees in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Management Regulations, which we have separately established, to ensure that personal information is thoroughly protected.
In November 2021, the Company received the Privacy Mark certification as a business that appropriately handles personal information.

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