
Our group works hard to achieve its corporate vision of making the female XX chromosome a symbol of beauty and becoming a general beauty solution company that introduces Asian beauty to the world.

Group business management must be based on sound corporate governance to realize this vision, and we feel it is vital to have proper communication with customers, shareholders, business partners, employees and other stakeholders, and reflect each party’s opinions in our business. Careful business supervision and flexibility will also enable us to expand the business scale of the group and deal with changes to business operations.

We aim to maintain management transparency and efficiency, respond to the expectations of stakeholders, and continuously enhance our corporate value based on this approach.

Corporate Governance System

You can find our basic concept of corporate governance system and internal corporate governance at the link below.

Corporate Governance

Risk Management & Compliance

We have established a Risk Management Committee to promote risk management company-wide and share information about risk management. The Risk Management Committee meets on a quarterly basis and is formed by a full-time director and full-time corporate auditor, with the representative director as chairperson.
The Committee shares information regarding risk management from each department’s managing director concerning the risks identified within each department. Proper risk management is provided through supervision and audit by other full-time directors and full-time corporate auditors.

The Committee also handles matters related to compliance. Although we have established compliance management rules and an implementation system for company-wide initiatives such as compliance education, the details of those specific efforts need to be reported regularly from the compliance implementation officer to the Risk Management Committee to check that such initiatives are in line with company policy.

Internal Report Desk

Our company has an Internal Report Desk designed to detect and correct illegal acts early and contribute to strengthening compliance management. This facility can be by all workers in the company regardless of employment status, and we strive to protect personal information so that the work environment of whistleblowers is protected.

We provide information on products, campaigns and useful information for daily beauty.
You can easily purchase popular and recommended cosmetics at the official online store (mail order) of AXXZIA.

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