Sustainability Policy

The AXXZIA Group (hereinafter referred to as "our Group") has adopted the vision of “propose an advanced and an innovative beauty products speedy, flexibly and continuously to make everybody beautiful and happy.” We believe that the underlying global environment and society must be healthy to achieve our vision. With this belief, our Group is committed to addressing environmental and social issues and developing initiatives to resolve them, aiming to realize a sustainable society.

1. Addressing Environmental Issues

  • We strive to preserve the global environment by reducing the environmental impact of our business activities through the procurement of sustainable raw materials, energy and resource conservation, and other measures.
  • We are aware of the risks of climate change and strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to realize a decarbonized society.

2. Maximizing Human Resource Value

  • We respect differences in gender, nationality, age, and other attributes and perspectives, and strive to foster a corporate culture in which all employees can maximize their individuality and abilities and play an active role.
    We also respect diverse work styles and strive to create a safe and comfortable work environment.
  • We promote the development of our employees' abilities and aim to build a professional team where each and every employee can utilize their expertise and strengths.

3. Strengthening Governance

  • We comply with domestic and international laws, regulations, and social norms, while further strengthening corporate governance and striving for fair and highly transparent management.
  • We strive to build a relationship of trust with all stakeholders through timely and appropriate information disclosure and responsible dialogue.

We provide information on products, campaigns and useful information for daily beauty.
You can easily purchase popular and recommended cosmetics at the official online store (mail order) of AXXZIA.

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