
Our group views human resources as an important asset and works on developing human resources who can empathize with and put into practice our action agendas: “Just do it, breakthrough commonsense and practices” and “Be thoughtful for others and Be humble”.

Diversity & Inclusion

Our group promotes diversity and inclusion, which means that we mutually recognize and respect differences in as gender, nationality, age, and way of thinking.

We actively promote women. In fact, the ratio of women in managerial posts in our company is 43.3%. Also, the ratio of foreign employees in our company is 31.9%, contributing to increased sales in the Chinese market, which is our main target.

Our aim is to be a global beauty company that has trust and continues to create values by providing an environment in which individuals can achieve their full potential.

At end of July 2023
Ratio of women in managerial posts 43.3%
Ratio of foreign employees 31.9%

*These percentages were calculated based on the employee numbers of AXXZIA alone.

Work-Life Balance

We have child-care and family-care leave systems available regardless of gender so that employees can work flexibly as big life events happen.

Also, it’s rare that employees work extra hours: most of our people go home when their regular working hours end. We try to reduce excessive working hours and manage our employees’ time appropriately.

Regional Contribution

We make efforts to contribute to local communities, including the making of donations to disaster-affected areas and presenting masks to medical care organizations, etc. during the coronavirus pandemic.

In November 2022, we donated 5 million yen to Hokuto City in Yamanashi Prefecture, where the head office of our consolidated subsidiary Huit Laboratories, Inc. is located, to express our support for environmental preservation activities based on keeping city rich with nature, attracting tourism, and efforts for general civic life and municipal administration.

We provide information on products, campaigns and useful information for daily beauty.
You can easily purchase popular and recommended cosmetics at the official online store (mail order) of AXXZIA.

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